The wonders of nature can greatly alleviate daily stress. Nature was designed this way by a loving Creator. This truth is illustrated by the two primary colors of nature: the blue sky and green vegetation. There is scientific evidence that green and blue are not only soothing and relaxing but are associated with lower levels of anxiety. Blue is associated with the “secure/comfortable” and the “tender/soothing,” which implies pleasure. It also slows the heart rate and lowers body temperature.
A day spent in nature is a day surrounded by sound. The playful rustle of wind dancing through trees. The soothing coos of a morning dove. The ceaseless rhythm of the ocean. The enchanting chirp of crickets on a summer’s eve. Swirling water tumbling over itself in a lively brook. The peaceful patter of rain on leafy trees. Thunder rumbling across the sky. Nature is a veritable symphony of sound, and God is its conductor.
Opening our windows and letting in the sounds of nature is restful and relieves stress. Some people enjoy recordings of nature sounds or the sounds of falling water from a tabletop fountain.
What we hear impacts us. Words of love and kindness promote health; harsh and unloving words hinder it. Many times our environment is filled with sounds that impact our health without us even realizing it.
Lord, thank You for all of the wonderful sounds You have put into our environment. Help me to step outside and enjoy them today as I reflect on Your love and kindness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.