The source of reflection for this month’s devotional came from the lyrics of the song “God’s Not Done with You” by Tauren Wells. I want to invite you to check it out here. Tauren Wells – God’s Not Done With You | Lyric Video | – YouTube.
The lyrics go like this, “Standing in your ruins feels a lot like the end. So used to losing you’re afraid to try again. Right now, all you see are ashes where there was a flame. Truth is that you’re not forgotten because Grace knows your name. God’s not done with you. Even with your broken heart and your wounds and your scars. God’s not done with you. Even when you’re lost and it’s hard, and you’re falling apart. God’s not done with you. It’s not over; it’s only begun. So don’t hide, don’t run, cause God’s not done with you.”
As I was listening and reflecting on the lyrics of this beautiful song, my mind took me to the story of King David — a man after God’s own heart. When confronted by the reality and the truth about what he had done, he cried out like never before. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.” (Psalm 51:10-11).
Create in me a clean heart, O God! The word rendered “create” (ברא berâ’) is a Hebrew word that is properly employed to denote an act of “creation;” that is, of causing something to exist where there was nothing before. It is the word used in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God ‘created’ the heavens and the earth,” which is commonly used to express the act of creation. David used it here, evidently in the sense of causing that to exist which did not exist before. And there is clearly a recognition of the divine power or a feeling on the part of David that this could be done by God alone.
David sinned because he was a sinner. Moreover, because he was a sinner, he was certain to sin again and again unless God helped him. Therefore, he also needed an inward renewal, which he described as the creation of a pure heart and the renewal of a steadfast spirit.
As I reflected on David’s cry, I wondered, what needs to be created or recreated within you and me this year? Remember! God is not done with you. He created you; He loves you, cares about you and has plans for your life. It does not matter how down you feel. Pardon and purity! Those are the two great needs of every human being since we are all sinners by action and nature, just as David was.
Lord, open my heart so that I may receive the influence of the Holy Spirit every day in this new year that has just begun. Amen.
Written by Jomante Ianga courtesy of the West Orange South Lake Chaplain Team