The holiday season often leaves us feeling drained, stressed and overwhelmed with all there is to do. We rush around buying gifts, decorating, making travel plans to visit family, organizing gatherings with friends — all while trying to work and take care of our regular responsibilities at home. Before we know it, we’re exhausted, frazzled and desperate for some peace and quiet. Jesus understands this burden and compassionately calls us to “Come to Me” so He can give us rest when we desperately need it. As this busy season approaches, let’s be intentional about pressing pause to reset, recharge and refill ourselves through self-care.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

God designed our minds and bodies to need a reset button we can push regularly to function at our best. In Genesis 2:2-3, we read that “on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” From the very beginning our Creator modeled that taking time for rest is essential by setting aside a designated rest day after six days of creatively working.

If we follow His example and regularly reset, restoring and rejuvenating ourselves, we can avoid the holiday burnout so many experience come Christmas Day. Self-care prepares us to joyfully care for others without running on empty. Here are some self-care tips for the holidays:


Start your day connecting with God through prayer, Bible reading and praise music to set your focus in faith. Bring Him your stresses and concerns. Let His peace fill and renew you.


Limit social media scrolling and put away devices for set times. Instead, enjoy simple pleasures like taking a quiet walk surrounded by nature, having an uninterrupted conversation with your child, reading an uplifting book, working on that hobby you’ve neglected or taking a luxurious candlelit bubble bath.


Schedule intervals of stillness and solitude to recharge your mental, physical and spiritual batteries. Use the time to relax, reflect, stretch, breathe deeply, take a power nap, enjoy worship music or engage in another restorative activity. Don’t let busyness crowd it out.


Fuel your body with healthy, nutritious choices like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. Limit sugar and processed foods that cause energy crashes. Stay hydrated with pure water.


Getting outside in the sunlight lifts mood and energy by increasing vitamin D and serotonin levels naturally. Go for a walk or have your quiet time sitting on the front porch on sunny winter days. Let the sun and the Son shine on you!


Laughter relieves tension and stress, boosts the immune system, protects your heart and floods your body with feel-good endorphins. Watch a funny Christmas movie, play a silly game with your kids or swap jokes with your friends. It’s great medicine!


Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it — whether it’s bringing a dish to a gathering, picking up an item while out shopping or even just lending a listening ear. We all need community, so let yours support you.

Most importantly, understand your limits and learn to say no when you’re approaching overload. Guard your peace carefully. No holiday to-do is worth risking your health and well-being. This season, be lovingly diligent about taking time to regularly reset through self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so let Jesus fill yours!